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Community Donations and Volunteer Work

Scottsbluff Dentist is proud to have served the community of Scottsbluff and the surrounding region for the past 22 years and counting! Throughout the years we have donated time and money to a variety of community organizations and projects, provided pro-bono dental services, and donated dental supplies to our local schools and community organizations. You could say we are passionate about giving back!


Scottsbluff Dentist Dental Day

In 2016 it became our goal to effect change on a grand scale, and in December of that year we launched our first annual Scottsbluff Dentist Dental Day.


Since then we have provided more than $50,000 in free dental services. Each year has had a slightly different theme to accomodate the varying needs within the community. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the Scottsbluff Dentist Dental Day progam has been on hold; however, we hope to offer another Dental Day soon! We appreciate past sponsors who have helped to make Dental Day so special!


If you are a local organization and would like to work with Scottsbluff Dentist, please contact us at (308) 632-7414 or email us at



Community Events

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